the Mine-imator model and rigs library.
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the Mine-imator model and rigs library.

Alicorn-Ace combat 7

Author: Fallen
The Alicorn From Ace combat 7 DLC

Note: This Model is Super laggy that it would let your laptop or pc go nuts since its Minecraft i can't save the fps i tried saving the Fps so people can feel comfortable using it But it ended up killing Everyone's Pc/laptop So Good luck trying to use this

i also had quite alot of problems making it so yea good luck again

*Salutes* also be sure to credit me when used or else i will send a nuclea-
acecombat7 ace combat


  1. Never thought you are going to make a model like this. I played ac7 before, but I don't really like it without tailing and airstrike mode from Assault Horizon. Those things do makes the game easier. But without them, the game just feel like Tom clancy the Hawk. Most importantly, it doesn't have the kill camera. Also I feel like Triggers tag looks very simmilar to The Nameless squad tag from Valkyria Chronicles 3.

  2. hey this is Fallen the creator of this huge submarine from Ac7
    i have noted down what you have said and Will probably add the Airstrike mode from Assault horizon

    ps i am also working on other Models from AC series,so yea stay tuned
    And thanks for the feedback,i really appreciate it


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